Security solutions
A1 Cyber Backup - State-of-the-art reliable solution for your data protection
Unfortunately, many companies tend to learn how important data safety is when it is already too late. Losing data that is essential for the business oftentimes causes extremely high costs and termination of company’s business processes.
Therefore, A1 Cyber Backup is an intelligent solution offering as follows:
- Data, device and app backup;
- Fast and reliable data recovery at any time;
- Protection against ransomware attacks, computer viruses and other malware based on AI;
- Remote access and intuitive tools for remote management and safety, all in one.

A1 Cyber Backup allows you to manage your backup settings for all of your devices in your company using a single web interface available anytime and anywhere. If you need it, or in the event of an incident, retrieving compromised data sets is fast and simple, based on a procedure consisting of a few clicks.
A1 Cyber Backup
Choose the right A1 Cyber Backup bundle for you
Unlimited number of devices
Unlimited number of users
Unlimited number of devices
Unlimited number of users
Unlimited number of devices
Unlimited number of users
Unlimited number of devices
Unlimited number of users
Unlimited number of devices
Unlimited number of users
on the number and
the type of devices
Flexible backup space size
Tailor-made solution based
on individual users’ needs
Backup and restore, anytime
- Backup option applicable to all types of devices (PC and laptops), servers and virtual machines
- File level backup
- Operating system level backup (Image backup)
- Backup of all frequently used business apps
Data protection
- Verification of weak passwords on every device with installed agent
- Safety vulnerabilities scanning and notifications
- Integrated ransomware protection based on AI
- Real-time protection against viruses and malware
Managing tools
- Group management of devices and option for ban on using USB ports, printers, Bluetooth etc.
- Remote access and support
- Hardware inventory information
- Reports, notifications and recommendations on daily basis
Advanced Licencess
Upgrade Your protectionwith advanced bundles with additional functionalities, advanced protection from attaks and advanced management with securitty functions.
Advanced Backup
- Microsoft SQL Server & Exchange calsters
- Oracle & SAP S4HANA data bases
- Continued data protection
- Data protection maping
Advanced Security
- Антивирус: локална детекција на вируси
- Antimalware и web заштита
- Управување со Microsoft Security Essentials и Windows Defender Antivirus
- URL filtering, forensic backup, exploit prevention
Advanced Management
- Software update management integrated with backup
- HDD status control
- Inventory of software products (Windows and MacOS)
Your data is protected at all times
Data encryption and password protection
When creating backup copies, AES-256 encryption algorithms and SSL encrypted channels are used.
A1 professional data centers
Backups are stored in A1 data centers which are designed as Tier III and have many certificates, including ISO 27001, ISO 20000 and ISO 9001.
Fast and simple data recovery
Restore option available instantly on any device
If needed, or in the event of an incident, the system can easily be restored to any hardware or environment, without any unforeseen compatibility issues.
Data consistency verification
The manner in which data backup is performed ensures continuous verification of data consistency, thus allowing complete consistency and authenticity, even in the event of power outage during prescheduled backup operations.

Microsoft 365 backup
Ensure additional level of safety of your data and information stored on your Microsoft products
Your data will be completely safe even in the event of:
- Deliberate or accidental data deletion
- Data loss due to malware
- Corrupted or unreadable data
- Sync issues

Recognize potential risks on time and protect your system against cyber attacks
Nowadays, companies face increased challenges, primarily in the area of information safety. Therefore, we need to be aware that cyber attacks take place every 39 seconds, meaning that a single information system is exposed to risks approximately 2244 times a day. Detecting system weaknesses is surely one of the best steps to take before corporate infrastructure falls victim to an actual cyber attack.
The Offensity service is designed precisely to avoid this!
Offensity Security Monitoring is an automated solution designed specifically to detect infrastructure’s potential weaknesses and shortcomings and to ensure that the user is aware of the big picture regarding the vulnerability of the overall IT environment that attackers (hackers) could use to plan and realize cyber attacks.
Услугата Ви овозможува:
- Completely automates scanning option, no need of local installation
- Online risk scanning for a given domain
- Continuous infrastructure scanning feature, constant checks for new vulnerabilities
- Overview reports for all vulnerabilities detected, classified by risk level
- Specific recommendations for overcoming vulnerabilities detected.

Offensity performs regular scan of your public intranet infrastructure and detects and reports on all risks identified and includes scanning of network vulnerability of web, DNS (Domain Name System) safety, data leakage, checks for systems appearing on black lists etc
In addition, Offensity also monitors safety data (e-mail, usernames, passwords etc.) connected to your domains available online.
The service generates reports on risk identified, it performs risk classification based on the level of risk (from low risk to critical), and it also provides the required data to remove risks, although the service itself does not have an option of removing identified risks and vulnerabilities. Please note that you are solely responsible for reviewing identified vulnerabilities and removing them.
Experience Offensity’s benefits on a test dashboard:
Interactive DemoBundles and Fees
Offensity Professional | Offensity Professional 1-year | Offensity Starter | Offensity Starter 1-year | Offensity Enterprise | |
Monthly fee (den. VAT ex.) |
24.000,00 | 18.000,00 | 2.990,00 | 2.390,00 | Customized offer depending on customer’s needs (for >100 subdomains) |
Monthly fee (den. VAT inc.) |
28.320,00 | 21.240,00 | 3.528,00 | 2.820,00 | |
Number of user profiles | 5 | 5 | 1 | 1 | |
Number of internet domains | 5 | 5 | 2 | 2 | |
Number of subdomains | 100 | 100 | 20 | 20 | |
Service agreement validity | - | 12 months* | - | 12 months* | |
*if the customer does not ask for service deactivation after the expiry of the current service agreement, the service agreement is automatically extended for a period of 12 months. |
Offensity database is constantly updated to include data on last known internet fails and vulnerability is also updated to include new vulnerabilities; however, this cannot guarantee that Offensity can recognize all new and existing vulnerabilities or that the user cannot be targeted by a cyber attack despite they have removed the vulnerabilities recognized by Offensity.
The Offensity service is provided by A1 Digicatl, member of the А1 Telekom Austria Group. By activating the Offensity service, customers are hereby informed that they are required to additionally sign a service agreement with А1 Digital, and they are bound to observe the Terms of Use applicable to the Offensity service, available on the webpage of A1 Digital.
A1 Endpoint Protect
Услуга за заштита на Вашите крајните уреди
Со услугата A1 Endpoint Protect, може да ги заштитите вашите крајни уреди (endpoints) од сајбер напади. Оваа услуга вклучува препознавање на напади, нивно спречување или ограничување, и Ви овозможува анализа на случени напади со користење на алатките вклучени во услугата.
Со оглед на тоа што најголемиот број на сајбер напади започуваат од крајните уреди на корисниците, напредна заштита на крајните уреди е клучен елемент во модерната сајбер заштита на секоја организација.
А1 Endpoint Protect ви овозможува понапредна и интегрирана заштита од сајбер напади, со поефикасно препознавање на истите.
Услугата Ви овозможува:
- Десктоп апликација за заштита на крајниот уред
- Заштита од напади со помош на Вештачка Интелигенција (AI)
- Спречување на напади без датотеки
- Изолација (карантирање) на одредени уред од мрежаc
- Автономна реакција на закани (отстранување/изолирање) (Win,Mac,Linux)
- Автономна ремедијација (спречување или санација) на штетата (Win,Mac)
- Автономно враќање назад (roll-back) на оперативен систем (Win)
- Откривање на недоверливи уреди
- Управување со firewall
- Скенирање на слабости на инсталирани апликации

А1 Endpoint Protect ви овозможува понапредна и интегрирана заштита од сајбер напади, со поефикасно препознавање на истите.
A1 Endpoint Protect вклучува лиценци за безбедносните софтверски продукти од SentinelOne, еден од водечките производители на софтвер за endpoint заштита во светот, базирани на SaaS платформата на SentinelOne - Singularity Platform. Потребните ресурси за користење на услугата и софтверот на произведителот (System requirements) се наведени на интернет страницата на SentinelOne.