5 seconds to make the internet better

The Internet has made our lives incredibly faster. One click is enough, and data, images or messages reach the whole world. A great step forward for humanity. But not always.

As A1 Group, we take care that you can be online anytime, anywhere. But our responsibility continues. We also want to ensure that our network enriches your life and does no harm. That’s why it’s sometimes more important to halt for a moment and think. That’s the idea behind 5 seconds.

5 seconds make a difference!

"5 seconds decide whether an inappropriate comment hurts another person. Whether a private photo falls into the wrong hands or whether a phishing email causes damage. In short: 5 seconds decide whether the Internet is a safer, better place.

2025 will be the year we make the internet a better place, together.

As A1 Group, we have been taking responsibility beyond our business for many years. We take care about our carbon footprint. We educate kids about online safety and teach Seniors how to recognise phishing.

With the 5 seconds-campaign we want to get you – our customers – on board. Let’s take care together to make the internet better.