Tariff Bundle

Surf the net anywhere, without any limitations, with A1 Prepaid data bundles.

Like, post, watch videos, play online games and stay in touch with your friends on all social media. With A1 data bundles, you are constantly connected, no matter where you are. Opt for the bundle of your choice, activate with free SMS and get as much data as needed to stay connected without any interruptions. The bundles are available to all new and current A1 Prepaid customers.

Месечни интернет пакети

Неделни и дневни
интернет пакети

Once the internet data included in the bundle plan has been used up, customers will not be able to access internet up to the expiry of the validity of the current bundle or additionally, they can activate any of the following bundles, daily, weekly and monthly, to continue using internet data. Customers can activate several internet data packages simultaneously.

Activated bundles will be renewed automatically after the expiry of their validity, provided that there is sufficient credit on customer's phone. You will be notified by SMS that the respective bundle has been activated.

To activate the bundles, customers using the DzaBest tariff plan should send SMS with the text DNEVEN NET to 181 (to activate 100MB daily bundle), START NEDELA 1GB (to activate 1GB weekly bundle), START NEDELA 200MB (to activate weekly 200MB bundle), START MESEC 1GB (to activate 1GB monthly bundle) or START MESEC 3GB (to activate 3GB monthly bundle). If you do not wish for the option to be extended automatically, please send SMS to 181 with the following text DNEVEN NET STOP, STOP NEDELA 1GB, STOP NEDELA 200MB, STOP MESEC 1GB or STOP MESEC 3GB for the respective data bundle.

Everything you need, in one prepaid package!


Unlimited access to social media, internet data, unlimited talks and SMS

You enjoy unforgettable moments and trilling fun? Enjoy surfing, chatting, sharing and talking endlessly? In that case, the new monthly prepaid bundle has LITERALLY everything you need!

Activate the monthly XL bundle and get unlimited access to the social media Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, Messenger, Snapchat и WhatsApp, unlimited talks and SMS to all national networks and 10GB data for relaxed surfing, during the whole month, for MKD 499/month.

All A1 Prepaid customers can activate the bundles via the My A1 app or by sending SMS to 1474.

Месечни пакети

Weekly bundle

Please note that bundles are ready for use once confirmation SMS is sent to the customer. Activated bundles will be renewed automatically after the expiry of their validity, provided that there is sufficient prepaid balance on customer's phone.

In bundles featuring internet data, once the internet data included in the bundle plan has been used up, customers will not be able to access internet up to the expiry of the validity of the current bundle or additionally, and they can activate any of the following bundles - daily, weekly and monthly - to continue using internet data. Customers may activate several internet data bundles simultaneously.

A1 Go Social is a weekly bundle to stay connected without any limitations on your favorite social media Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, Messenger, Snapchat and WhatsApp. Unleash your creativity and share photos and videos, watch and post stories, chat with your friends, without additional data costs. In addition, the A1 Go Social bundle features an additional 1GB internet data.

The A1 Go Social bundle may be used as long there is 1MB data left from the 1GB data from the A1 Go Social bundle or any other data bundle previously activated. Once you have used up your data, activate new bundle to continue using the A1 Go Social bundle.

The bundle is available to all A1 prepaid customers. All current A1 prepaid customers can activate the bundle by sending SMS with text "START" to 1499 or via the My A1 app. Once expired, the bundle will be automatically reactivated at regular weekly fee of 119 MKD, as long as the customer has sufficient credit.

To check the status of the remaining data from the 1GB additional data included in the bundle, please check the My A1 app or send SMS to 1440.

For more information, please call 077 1234.

The A1 Go Social bundle will not apply to internet traffic:

  • taking place via VoIP calls through the apps listed below, and
  • taking place through links redirecting the user to contents outside the listed social networks (e.g. if the user is redirected from Facebook to Youtube, such content will not be included in the internet data included in the A1 Go Social package, and instead, will be considered as internet traffic included in the respective tariff plan)

To be able to use the bundle, customers should install the Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Messenger, Snapchat and WhatsApp apps or download them from Google Play Store or App Store. The internet traffic required to download the apps is not included in the bundle, meaning that additional data is required to download the apps. The A1 Go Social bundle is only valid in Macedonia.

Weekly A1 Prepaid bundles featuring talk time, SMS and internet data!

Opt for the A1 Prepaid bundle of your choice, talk free of charge and stay connected on the go!

Activate your A1 Prepaid bundle by sending free SMS and start long conversations with your friends! Like, post and stay in touch with your friends on all social media. Don't miss this great opportunity to become A1 Prepaid customer and to keep in touch with everybody, without any limitations!

Please note that bundle validity period starts as of the activation.

The bundles are available to all new and current A1 Prepaid customers. Once the internet data included in the bundle plan has been used up, customers will not be able to access internet up to the expiry of the validity of the current bundle or additionally, they can activate any of the following bundles, daily, weekly and monthly, to continue using internet data. Customers can activate several internet data packages simultaneously. For more information, please call 077 1234.

Неделни пакети за разговори

Активирај ја твојата опција со бесплатна SMS порака, по што ќе биде повлечен соодветен надомест, а ти веднаш можеш да започнеш со долги разговори со твоите пријатели!

Daily option with free minutes in A1 network

Activate the Daily option and get 60 free talk minutes to all A1 tariff plan users for only MKD 19.00. Free minutes are valid 24 hours as of option activation. To activate, send free SMS to 140 100 with the contents “DEN”. You will be sent a SMS notification that the respective bundle has been activated. To check the remaining free talk minutes, please send SMS with the text "STATUS" to 140 100.


Few hours before option expiry, you will be sent SMS notification for automatic option extension. If you do not wish for the option to be automatically extended, please respond with "STOP" to 140100. Please note that only one free minute option with A1 tariff plan can be used at the same time.

Пакетот А1 Go Social може да го користиш сè додека имаш најмалку 1MB преостанат мобилен интернет од доделениот 1GB од пакетот А1 Go Social или од друг активиран интернет пакет. Доколку го потрошиш интернетот, активирај нов пакет за да продолжиш да го користиш пакетот А1 Go Social.

Пакетот е достапен за сите А1 припејд корисници. Сите постоечки А1 припејд корисници можат да го активираат пакетот со SMS текст START на 1499 или преку апликацијата Мојот A1. По истекот, пакетот автоматски ќе се реактивира за редовната неделна претплата од 119 денари сè додека корисникот има доволно кредит на сметката.

Корисникот може да провери статус на преостанат интернет од доделениот 1GB дополнителен интернет во пакетот, преку апликацијата Мојот А1 или преку SMS на бројот 1440.

За повеќе информации јави се во Контакт центар на 077 1234.

Пакетот A1 Go Social не важи за интернет сообраќај:

  • остварен со видео повици и VoIP повици преку наведените апликации и
  • остварен преку линк кој води кон содржина која е поставена надвор од наведените социјални мрежи (пр. следење на линк од Facebook кој води кон YouTube содржина не спаѓа во интернет сообраќајот вклучен во пакетот А1 Go Social туку истиот се одзема од вклучениот интернет)

За да се користи пакетот потребно е корисникот да ги има инсталирано апликациите Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Messenger, Snapchat и WhatsApp или потребно е да се симнат апликациите од Google Play Store или од App Store. Интернет сообраќајот искористен за симнување не е вклучен во пакетот т.е. за симнување ќе се користи дополнителен интернет. Пакетот А1 Go Social важи во Македонија.

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