Donations/About donations

Because we care and want to help those in need, as a company, together with our employees, we have initiated numerous charitable activities, some of them not so well known to the general public. These activities allow us to bring joy to the most vulnerable of people and happiness to the youngest ones. We care about the youth, our environment and everyone's wellbeing.

Informations about opening a donation line with A1 Makedonija

For all those in need of help and support from people who care, A1 Makedonija provides the opportunity for opening donation lines, via which users of A1 services can show their charitable side by simply donating through their mobile phones. This way, A1 Makedonija encourages the humanity in people, primarily in order to help those in need of an operation or a treatment. The donation is carried out through phone calls made by A1 users, donating a total of 100 MKD with each call.

The following is needed to open a donation line for individuals:

  • A filled-in written request
  • VSD document for individuals
  • A certificate issued by an establishment authorized for medical diagnostics
  • A referral for further treatment/operation in the country/abroad
  • A letter from the medical institution regarding a scheduled operation/treatment
  • Pro-invoice for treatment/surgery
  • A copy of a giro/transaction bank account (The holder of the bank account must be an adult)
  • If the donation line is intended for a minor, a copy of a birth certificate should be enclosed

Delivery address

The abovementioned documents should be delivered by mail or in person, to the following address: Plostad Presveta Bogorodica br. 1, 1000 Skopje, specifying "Application for opening a donation line – for Corporate Communications" as the subject.

Important notes for the applicants:

  • The technical possibilities of the donation lines are limited, and the maximum duration time of a donation number is three months. After delivering all the necessary documents, an authorized person from A1 Makedonija will inform you if your application has been accepted.
  • Based on the accepted application, A1 Makedonija will assign and technically manage a separate donation line. Only A1 users can donate to this donation line by placing a call charged 100 MKD. The users of other mobile and fixed networks will not be able to call or donate to these numbers.
  • The payment of the collected donations from A1 users is executed based on a signed Donation contract.
  • A1 Makedonija will pay the total sum collected from the A1 users to the Donation applicant. The personal tax will be deducted from the total sum.
  • The personal information in the application is used solely for the given purpose. Protection of the information is guaranteed, in accordance with legal regulations.
  • A1 Makedonija will publish the assigned individual donation lines on the A1 Makedonija website. The applicant is individually and financially responsible for all other public communication channels.

The following is needed to open a donation line for legal entities:

  • A filled-in written request
  • VSD document for legal entities
  • Description of the project that the donation line is intended for
  • Description of the legal entity, a short biography, realized projects and working plans
  • A Central Registry certificate, not older than 6 months
  • Other documents confirming the relevancy of the project
  • Important notes for the applicants:

Socially responsible organizations (those whose activities include initiatives to help vulnerable social groups) have a priority in opening a donation line.

  • The technical possibilities of the donation lines are limited, and the maximum duration time of the donation lines for a legal entity is one year. After delivering all the needed documents, an authorized person from A1 Makedonija will inform you if the application has been accepted.
  • Based on the accepted application, A1 Makedonija will assign and technically manage a separate donation line. Only A1 users can donate to this donation line by placing a call charged 100 MKD. The users of other mobile and fixed networks will not be able to call or donate to these numbers.
  • The payment of the collected donations from A1 users is executed based on a signed Donation contract.
  • A1 Makedonija will pay the total sum collected from the A1 users to the Donation applicant.
  • The personal information in the application is used solely for the given purpose. Protection of the information is guaranteed, in accordance with legal regulations.
  • A1 Makedonija will publish the assigned individual donation lines on the A1 Makedonija website. The applicant is individually and financially responsible for all other public communication channels.

Активни броеви за донација

За лекување на Број за донација Активен до
Здружение “Љубезност“ 143 505 04.04.2025
Здружение “Конект“ 143 333 14.04.2025
ЦРВЕН КРСТ 143 400 31.12.2025
Фондација ИКРАУД Скопје 143 999 27.07.2025
Наце Ристов 143 472 23.07.2025
Дејан Огненоски 143 463 05.08.2025
Никола Петрески 143 464 17.07.2025
Андреј Сибиновски 143 465 10.06.2025
Петар Попоски 143 470 11.08.2025
Огнен Доневски 143 473 28.07.2025
Ивица Димитриевски 143 477 21.06.2025
Анита Ташкова 143 483 29.07.2025
Екуран Абдули 143 484 04.08.2025
Стефан Ивановиќ 143 485 15.05.2025
Елена Цветкова 143 486 13.04.2025
Жаклина Јовановска 143 401 13.06.2025
Јован Блажевски 143 471 23.05.2025
Александра Митровска 143 468 18.05.2025
Мaрина Гулеска 143 469 18.06.2025
Андреј Сибиновски 143 465 10.06.2025
Благица Милева 143 488 13.06.2025
Аслан Османи 143 550 03.05.2025
Ивица Срезоски 143 487 22.05.2025
Јовица Блажевски 143 461 12.06.2025
Симона Темелкова-Кабранова 143 489 01.05.2025
Алексеј Анастасовски 143 476 28.04.2025
Јована Станковска 143 481 09.04.2025
Елизабета Арсова 143 480 13.07.2025
Марко Џољевски 143 482 14.07.2025